In our view, MASTERY is the foundation block of every business. If this area of your business is weak, it means the rest of the business is unstable and it’s at risk of falling down at any time. But what does mastery mean? If you want your business to be strong enough to move forward then your Destination, Time, Finances and Delivery must be “mastered.” This article focuses on Destination Mastery and why it is an important part of your business foundations
Destination Mastery focuses on establishing a powerful mission and vision for your organisation, setting S.M.A.R.T goals to achieve objectives, and understanding the why. WHY your business exists and WHY you are driven to achieve its success.
In other words, it’s important to know what you want from your business and where you want it to be in the future. You should have a clear vision or dream of your business’s future aligned with a clear idea of your working life and destination. For example, your vision could be to be the best Marketing Agency in a specific region, or indeed the UK. Your future working life could change from working IN the business to working ON the business with the ultimate goal of having a business that can run without you, so you have more time to spend doing hobbies. Sounds easy right? Not so!
To truly master your destination you need to complete a series of steps that will ensure that it becomes the very foundation your business is built upon. Ask yourself these questions and score yourself 2 points for each you can say YES to…
1). Do you have written goals for 10 years time, 5 years time, 3 years time, and by the end of this year?
2). Do you have a vision, mission, and business culture visible for your business?
3). Do you have a detailed business plan that is regularly reviewed?
4). Do you have a written quarterly plan in use by you and your whole team?
5). Do you know what your business will look like for each of the goal milestones? (10 years time, 5 years time, 3 years time, and by the end of this year?).
How did you score out of 10?
Scored high?
Excellent! Your business has a clear destination, and with a little more focus on the first foundation block of your business, it will remain strong no matter what else happens.
Scored low?
There is clearly work to be done.
What should you do next?
Some of you will have read this and know exactly what you need to do to nail down your destination. There are many books and blogs about setting your personal and business vision, mission, culture, and goals. These are great tools if you have the motivation to read them thoroughly, be honest with yourself and do what is needed. For those that need a helping hand, there are coaches such as ourselves. Mastery is one of our specialisms and forms part of our ‘6-Steps Coaching System.’ Destination is the first step we take our clients through and when they have their lightbulb moments, it truly is a pleasure to be part of their business growth journey.
Fancy giving coaching a try? Sign up for one of our gifted coaching sessions here and let us help you clarify your destination.
Have a question about business coaching? Email us or give us a call on 01572 497 030