Is Business Planning the Same as Flying an Airplane?

Imagine this. Business Planning is like you are flying an airplane (with no other planes in the air). When your plane is a long way from the destination your route can be fairly loose, as long as you’re heading ‘roughly’ in the right direction.

As you get closer to the airport your route needs to be more exact and on landing it has to be very specific, landing 100m from the runway is not an option! The flight plan has a very specific destination.

In business, the plan is similar, with increasing levels of detail for each phase.

1.     For the 5 year plan as a business leader, you need a very clear vision of where the business is going with only limited detail on what you will do during each period to achieve that vision.

2.     As you get closer to the current day the level of detail required increases. What do you need to do in the next year to keep you on the path to achieve the Vision?

3.     As we get into the last three months the detail of the plan needs to increase substantially, so we know what needs to be done each week or even on specific days.

4.     Now at the start of each week we need to plan exactly what we will be doing each day to ensure we stay on track.

Before you start, planning is all very well but the first question is where are you trying to get to? Before you write the plan you need to be very clear on where you are going and the strategies you are going to use to achieve that vision.

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