Five reasons why you shouldn’t hire a business coach

The effectiveness of hiring a business coach can vary. It all depends on the specific circumstances of the business owner and the coach. There are many reasons published about why you should hire a business coach, but what about the reasons not to? Here are our top five reasons why you shouldn’t hire a business coach.

1). Cost

Hiring a business coach can be expensive and therefore not affordable for all business owners. Additionally, if you are not experiencing significant business challenges or striving for business growth then you may not see the value of having a coach.

If this is the case, you may feel that saving your money rather than investing it to improve your processes, profits or work-life balance is a better plan for you.

2). Self-sufficiency

You may feel that you have all the necessary skills and experience to run your business without the help of a coach.  Maybe you would rather rely on your own judgment and expertise rather than seek outside guidance.

If you are not willing to open up your mind to an outsider looking in and giving you their views, learning from a coach who has worked with numerous businesses then these are strong reasons you shouldn’t hire a business coach.

3). Time constraints

Running a business can be a full-time job, and you may not have the time to commit to regular coaching sessions.

If you feel that your time is better spent focusing on working in your business rather than on your business, then your mindset towards coaching means it’s not the right time for you to hire a business coach.

4). Lack of trust

You may be hesitant to work with a coach because you do not trust their abilities or do not believe that they will be able to provide you with valuable insights or guidance.

If you are unsure then don’t hire a coach. Well, not until you have read their case studies or seen testimonials!

5). Mismatched expectations

If you think a coach can turn your failing business around within weeks, or help you get an immediate increase in sales don’t hire a coach!

Be careful of having unrealistic expectations about their ability to help you achieve specific goals or overcome certain challenges. Good coaches follow proven methods and techniques that look at your business as a whole and work with you to create a sustainable, highly profitable business.


These reasons are not applicable to all business owners, and many benefit greatly from working with a coach.

Ultimately, the decision to hire a business coach should be based on your specific needs and goals, and careful consideration should be given before an investment is made.

Starting to change your mind?

If you didn’t want to hire a coach because of the large investment, ActionCOACH has an introductory coaching programme that is just £100 p.c.m. Either register for the programme directly here or book a no-obligation discovery session to learn more.

If you didn’t want a coach because you’re not sure you can trust the investment versus results, take a look at our client stories.

See what our business community says about us on us our LinkedIn pages Rupert Turton and Angela Turton.

If you’re willing to learn but not ready to take the leap into business coaching, sign up for our newsletter and gain insights and business-boosting tips from our specialist coaches and their business community.