How incorporating fun can benefit your company

By Rupert Turton

I recently had a very interesting conversation about happiness, and what makes me happy.  This made me think about how crucial happiness in the workplace is, and how fun can help a business. So I have decided to write this short blog about this very subject!

I see being happy as moments of joy that can be triggered by any number of things. It could be as simple as watching someone else complete a task, for example, I’m not an athlete but watching team GB win medals at the Olympics made me happy!  Moments of happiness occur when I receive praise for something, I’ve achieved something difficult, experienced a great view of somewhere when out walking, or having a shared moment of laughter with someone. To me, these moments of happiness are usually more about an experience.

If asked, “What is happiness?”  I find that a difficult question to answer quickly or define easily as everyone’s idea of happiness may differ.

My colleague found it easier and defined happiness as “an overarching quality of life that is rich in a variety of emotions including episodes of anger, sadness, and stress. Happiness is being able to gracefully handle setbacks, connecting amicably with others, and knowing that your efforts matter to yourself and others. A much longer-lasting state.”  This is certainly an interesting way of looking at it!

Being happy at work

Being happy at work is tied to better health and well-being, staff that are more creative and effective at problem-solving which results in increased productivity and innovation. Happy employees are more committed and driven in their work and inclined to contribute beyond their job descriptions.

If your staff can see the bigger picture and vision for your business and understand their role in delivering that vision, they will work far better as a team.  This in turn makes them less stressed and able to cope better with periods of high demand.  Happiness also makes people friendlier more likable thus improving interactions, being more helpful and supportive while increasing mutual respect.

As a Business Leader happier workplaces report less turnover of staff, fewer health problems, fewer mistakes and accidents, more efficiency, and quicker rebounds to adverse events or failures. Happier workplaces also earn higher customer loyalty and commitment leading to business growth via word-of-mouth.

How do you create a happy workplace?

In my view, there are 7 key steps to develop an environment for a happier workplace…

  1. Strong Leadership – If you are not directing your team as a strong leader the result will be like having a major junction without traffic lights. Strong leadership does not mean dictatorship or a tyrant, this is about the quality of leadership.
  2. Common Goal – ​ Your team needs to know what the goal is for the business, the overall objective to aim for so everyone is heading in the same direction. This all starts with the owner’s Vision which is the central aim of the business. ​
  3. Rules of the Game – The team agrees on how they behave towards each other, what they can and cannot do! These rules will form the basis of the company culture, as long as they follow these rules they have the freedom to develop the business.​​
  4. Action Plan – It is obvious but so often overlooked. Every business needs an action plan, a clear road map of what to do and when it must be done.
  5. Support Risk Taking – Not uncontrolled risks but allowing staff to experiment with new ideas, new ways of working, and new approaches to solving problems.
  6. 100% Involvement/Inclusion – having all team members giving their attention, effort, and commitment to the business. As a Leader ask their opinions and really listen to what they have to say and keep them involved.
  7. Training your team to allow them to gain the skills to be effective in their role, either through formal classroom-style training or mentoring and coaching in the workplace.

For the 7 steps to work effectively, they must be wrapped in good communication in all directions across the business.

Does ‘Fun; have a role to play in a Happy Workplace?

So why is fun so important in the workplace? Fun is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as…

‘Light-hearted pleasure, enjoyment, or amusement; boisterous joviality or merrymaking; entertainment. Although particularly associated with recreation and play, it may be encountered during working time.’

As a leader, you must accept that your team needs to stop and unwind during the day. No one can work continuously for 8 hours straight!  I advise that people work for an hour then stop for 10 minutes and take a break, plus have a break during lunch to refresh their brains. You will find that a lot of problem-solving, and idea generation often takes place when the brain is more relaxed when away from the desk which can only benefit the company.  Having fun makes the workplace more enjoyable and motivating. A few minutes of fun to mark a job completed or having a bit of banter whilst working will develop and strengthen working relationships.

So, if you want a healthier and more productive team, you need to ensure there is a culture where there is space in the day to have short but regular breaks and time to have that banter. The fun doesn’t have to be forced or generated. Be seen as a happy leader who takes time out too, has a break enjoys a bit of banter but ‘gets the job done’ and you will create a happy work culture and a happier team. So go on, have a bit of fun, and watch the productivity of your team increase!

If you would like to discuss your leadership style or enquire about how I can support development within your team, you are more than welcome to have a free 30-minute consultation with me. Simply book yourself into my diary here.